Salem Democratic Town Committee
About Us
Democracy is not a spectator sport. Thoughtful discussions about the issues in and values of our country are essential in making this country work. Differing viewpoints are necessary to find solutions that benefit all. The strength of our country depends upon strong, participatory, local communities and an open, reciprocal communication with those we elect to represent us at the administrative and legislative levels.
“All politics is local'' and all voices matter. We joined the Chamber to add our voices and our energy to support the families, schools, businesses and town leadership in Salem and surrounding communities.
All registered Democrats in Salem are members of the Salem Democratic Town Commit-tee (SDTC). As most of our events and activities are open to the public, we invite our fellow Chamber members to join us when those opportunities are posted.
The committee monthly meetings are every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. We meet every Friday at 10am for Coffee & Conversation. Due to Covid-19 all in-person meetings have been postponed until further notice. Weekly and monthly meetings will take place on Zoom. For Zoom log-in info: go to our Facebook Group or email salemn-hdems@gmail.com
If you would like to know more about the work of the committee and become more active-ly involved, please stop by. If you wish to receive periodic updates from the committee, email us at salemnhdems@gmail.com or contact the chair at (978) 494-0202.
Donations are appreciated and can be made here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/sa-lemnhdems
Rep/Contact Info